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Has Workplace Swearing Lost Its Shock Value?

Has Workplace Swearing Lost Its Shock Value?

Caroline Walker, managing director of Cavendish Employment Law Limited, recently contributed towards an article in the Financial Times discussing whether or not swearing has lost its shock value in the workplace. 

Caroline discussed the implications of using inappropriate language, adding "Swearing at someone is usually far more offensive, both to receive and to witness and is therefore likely to lead to sanctions.”

"If delivered in an aggressive or intimidatory manner, it could even lead to a disciplinary for bullying and harassment." Later adding ”Certain words can be particularly derogatory about women and this is likely to cause greater concern in the workplace".

She went on to discuss the culture surrounding swearing "The culture of swearing in the workplace is very much dependent on not only the industry and working environment but the people who work there.”

"Certain leaders and management teams are known to drop frequent curses, while others would sanction or reprimand any expletive."

She later discussed conduct policies adding "A policy is only worthwhile if the culture in the workplace is seen to adopt the same rules. So a leader with a particular fondness for dropping the odd expletive may need to be reined in by human resources or it will undo the meaning of the policy."

Read the full article to find out more about the shock value that swearing has on the workplace.

If you have found yourself in an unfair situation in the workplace environment, you may be entitled to a high-value claim. For immediate expert advice, get in contact with Cavendish Employment Law Limited today.

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