Whether you have made the decision or wish to obtain advice about the options that are available to you in making employees redundant, we can provide clear, practical advice that guides you through the legislation covering this area.
We have our own published ‘Redundancy Guidelines” that are highly regarded and can assist you in making the right decisions and implementing the correct procedures. Please contact us if you would like a copy of these Guidelines, or if you wish to obtain advice about any proposed or actual redundancies.
Contact our Employment Lawyers in London - Redundancy Legal Advice for your Business
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you would like to discuss this in more detail, arrange a meeting, or obtain a fixed quotation for your company. We would be delighted to supply you with contact details for some of our retained clients if you would like to take up references.
100% Success Rate in Contentious Cases for both Employees & Employers
Contact our employment lawyers on 0207 965 7203
or contact us online.